Tre Real Madrid spelare har fått lära sig hur man andas
Real Madrid are learning to breathe. The club's first team, represented by Jesé, Carvajal and Chicharito, have started learning new breathing techniques with the objective of learning how to regulate the oxygen inhaled.
The class took place at the Valdebebas training facility and the players finished the session impressed with their trainer and delighted with what they had learned. This is an area largely unexplored in the world of elite sports and the forerunners of this new field are convinced of its benefits.
Miguel Lozano was the expert who gave the Real players their breathing class at the Valdebebas swimming pool. "We have always believed that working on breathing can bring great benefits to elite athletes, but it's hardly ever considered", the trainer said, one of the best freedivers in the world - a sport that consists of staying underwater for as long as possible while swimming a set course or swimming down to a set distance.
Carvajal, Jesé and Chicharito were Lozano's new pupils. "They were delighted; it's clear that they want to improve. The class started with a little bit of theory about the body, a basic understanding to start off from", explained the freediver.
If these new techniques get the nod from the club's medical staff and the players themselves, there should be further classes, such as how to retain your breath under pressure while moving fast and also how to test and expand your pulmonary limits.

Kursen tog plats i Valdebebas och spelarna var imponerade av sin tränare och glädjes åt vad de hade lärt sig. Detta område är väldigt outforskat i världen för elitspelare och föregångarna till detta nya område är övertygade om dess fördelar.
Miguel Lozano var experten som höll i andningskursen för Real spelarna i Valdebebas pool. "Vi har alltid trott att om man övar på sin andning kan de ge enorma förmåner till elitidrottare, men det är sällan man överväger det", sade tränaren, en av det bästa fridykarna i världen - en sport som innebär att man håller sig under vatten så länge som möjligt medan man simmar en viss längd.
Carvajal, Jesé och Chicharito var Lozanos elever. "De var mycket glada; det är uppenbart att de vill förbättras. Kursen startade lite med teori om kroppen, en grundläggande förståelse till att börja med", förklarade fridykaren.
Om dessa nya tekniker får tummen upp från klubbens medicinska personal och från själva spelarna, kommer de att fortsätta med ytterligare lektioner, så som hur man behåller lugnet under press medan man rör sig snabbt och även hur man testar och expanderar sin pulmonella gräns.
Real Madrid are learning to breathe. The club's first team, represented by Jesé, Carvajal and Chicharito, have started learning new breathing techniques with the objective of learning how to regulate the oxygen inhaled.
The class took place at the Valdebebas training facility and the players finished the session impressed with their trainer and delighted with what they had learned. This is an area largely unexplored in the world of elite sports and the forerunners of this new field are convinced of its benefits.
Miguel Lozano was the expert who gave the Real players their breathing class at the Valdebebas swimming pool. "We have always believed that working on breathing can bring great benefits to elite athletes, but it's hardly ever considered", the trainer said, one of the best freedivers in the world - a sport that consists of staying underwater for as long as possible while swimming a set course or swimming down to a set distance.
Carvajal, Jesé and Chicharito were Lozano's new pupils. "They were delighted; it's clear that they want to improve. The class started with a little bit of theory about the body, a basic understanding to start off from", explained the freediver.
If these new techniques get the nod from the club's medical staff and the players themselves, there should be further classes, such as how to retain your breath under pressure while moving fast and also how to test and expand your pulmonary limits.
Real Madrid are learning to breathe. The club's first team, represented by Jesé, Carvajal and Chicharito, have started learning new breathing techniques with the objective of learning how to regulate the oxygen inhaled.
The class took place at the Valdebebas training facility and the players finished the session impressed with their trainer and delighted with what they had learned. This is an area largely unexplored in the world of elite sports and the forerunners of this new field are convinced of its benefits.
Miguel Lozano was the expert who gave the Real players their breathing class at the Valdebebas swimming pool. "We have always believed that working on breathing can bring great benefits to elite athletes, but it's hardly ever considered", the trainer said, one of the best freedivers in the world - a sport that consists of staying underwater for as long as possible while swimming a set course or swimming down to a set distance.
Carvajal, Jesé and Chicharito were Lozano's new pupils. "They were delighted; it's clear that they want to improve. The class started with a little bit of theory about the body, a basic understanding to start off from", explained the freediver.
If these new techniques get the nod from the club's medical staff and the players themselves, there should be further classes, such as how to retain your breath under pressure while moving fast and also how to test and expand your pulmonary limits.